Le 03/01/2013 dans DevBlog

Yes, you can wrap block elements inside an anchors

I saw this a lot but few developpers knows about it (there is still questions about this on StackOverflow).

HTML5 introduce an awesome change in the a element. From the spec:

Although previous versions of HTML restricted the a element to only containing phrasing content (essentially, what was in previous versions referred to as inline content), the a element is now transparent; that is, an instance of the a element is now allowed to also contain flow content (essentially, what was in previous versions referred to as block content)—if the parent element of that instance of the a element is an element that is allowed to contain flow content.

That means you can use div inside an anchor:

  <a href="">

Now, you knows. Happy new year too!

Learn to avoid the typing mistake, 2013 is not 2012